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Syllabus Information


Spring 2019
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Syllabus Information
STREAm I Humanities Social Studies, ELA, & the Arts - 23146 - INCL 02310 - 1

Associated Term: Spring 2019
Levels: Undergraduate

Main Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Traditional Instructional Method

Learning Objectives: Objectives of the Course: The most effective educators are using interdisciplinary curriculum in order to teach students due to the clear advantages of this approach. Social studies, in particular, is integrative by nature. It crosses disciplinary boundaries to promote social understanding and civic engagement. It also integrates knowledge, skills, and dispositions with authentic action. When students learn through an integrated social studies curriculum, they are better able to make connections across content areas and are excited about the connections they are able to make. Students are able to more easily generate new ideas and are eager to learn. Additionally, making connections across content areas fosters problem solving and decision-making. The integration of literacy and the arts with social studies is an authentic and rich fit. Several benefits support the use of children’s literature in teaching of social studies. The use of trade books: 1. Expand a child’s knowledge of human events, 2. Give children an insider’s view to the emotions of a human event, 3. Offer a more holistic view of events than the survey-type perspective often found social studies textbooks, 4. Offer a better balance between the facts of an event and the human characteristics of the individuals involved; 5. Provide students with the chance to relate to characters in our world, both past and present, and to connect current and historical events to their own personal experiences. Likewise, integrating the arts with social studies allows students to not only express themselves in multiple modes, but also allows them to examine primary sources and artifacts. Course Goal Student Learning Goal Student Learning Outcome Course Goal 1: This course will foster an understanding of the value of English/language arts, the fine arts, and social studies, and how they can be used to develop intellectual, language, aesthetic, and moral development in children. Teacher candidates will analyze the value of English/language arts, the fine arts, and social studies in promoting intellectual, language, aesthetic, and moral development in elementary aged children. Design an integrated, inquiry-based unit of study which stimulates developmentally appropriate, high-level thinking Course Goal 2: This course will provide the tools necessary for teacher candidates to teach in ways that are culturally responsive and inclusive for all students. Teacher candidates will develop and demonstrate strategies for incorporating culturally relevant content and the children’s community experiences into teaching. Implement at least one inter-disciplinary lesson in a K-6 classroom setting; Reflect on the observational feedback (from self and professor) Course Goal 3: This course will enable teacher candidates to plan for and facilitate integrated instruction in social studies, English/language arts, and the fine arts. Teacher candidates will develop and demonstrate learning strategies and activities, showing an understanding for the ways elementary-aged children learn and which integrate English/language arts, the fine arts, and social studies, and that meet national standards. Implement at least one inter-disciplinary lesson in a K-6 classroom setting; Reflect on the observational feedback (self and professor)
Required Materials: Farris, P. J. (2015). Elementary and middle school Social Studies: An interdisciplinary multicultural approach (7th ed.). Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press, Inc. Danielson, C. Enhancing Professional Practice (2nd ed.) ASCD Press
Technical Requirements:

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