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Catalog Entries


Spring 2014
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Information Select the Course Number to get further detail on the course. Select the desired Schedule Type to find available classes for the course.

CHEM 06105 - Advanced College Chemistry I (Lecture And Lab)
This course is designed for the engineering student and other well-prepared science majors. The course covers the material in both Chemistry I & II (CHEM06.100 and CHEM06.101), including theories and laws used in the understanding of the structures and reactions of the elements and compounds, atomic structure, stoichiometry, thermodynamics, gas laws, states of matter, solution theory, chemical kinetics, chemical equilibrium, acid base chemistry, precipitation reaction, redox reactions and electrochemistry. It is not recommended for those who do not have a declared science or engineering major.
4.000 Credit hours

Levels: Graduate, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture/Lab

Chemistry & Biochemistry Department

Course Attributes:
Catalog Course, General Education, Lab Science, Science and Mathematics, Undergrad Lvl crses 0-499

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