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Fall 2021
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Information Select the desired Level or Schedule Type to find available classes for the course.

SOC 08377 - Field Research Experience
This internship-based course is designed for students who are interested in careers that involve social research. Students intern with a research group for 10 weeks, engaging in multiple stages of the research process, including the formulation of research questions, the construction of literature reviews, the design of survey instruments and interview questionnaires, the collection of data, and data analysis. Students are trained to recognize variation, to find and synthesize scholarship, to conceptualize, to maximize validity, to conduct observations, and to identify patterns. They are also trained on how to operate professionally and ethically as researchers and work professionals. Students study social research concepts and practices in a three-week orientation module with the course instructor and classmates before the internship, and reflect on their internship experiences with the course instructor and classmates once every two weeks during the internship.
3.000 Credit hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Internships

Sociology & Anthropology Department

Course Attributes:
Catalog Course, Undergrad Lvl crses 0-499

Undergraduate level SOC 08375 Minimum Grade of B

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